Tag Archives for Radelet McCarthy Polletta
The Paul Slowik Memorial Shoot
This past June, we lost a talented architect and dear friend, Paul Slowik, to cancer. He ran a successful architectural firm, Paul Slowik & Associates, and he was an active member of the Passavant Hospital Foundation. Paul’s father actually designed the original Passavant Hospital building in 1964, so the Foundation was close to his heart. Paul was Chairperson of the Foundation’s Legacy of Caring Awards, which honors the individuals who make Passavant Hospital grow and thrive. This year we decided to make our annual customer appreciation shoot the Paul Slowik Memorial Shoot, partnering with the Passavant Hospital Foundation to transform it into a charity event. We worked closely with Paul’s wife, Joyce, every step of the way. Paul and Joyce’s family came into town specially for the event, including son Bill and his wife Barb, daughter Stefany and her fiancee Broox, and even Bill’s in-laws and childhood friend Mike Taylor.
Our event was graciously sponsored by MedExpress, UPMC, Heritage Valley Health Systems, Architectural Innovations, E.A. Fischione Instruments, Radelet McCarthy Polletta, Blackhawk Neff, FMRW, North Park Lounge, Steve and Mary Bishop, and Joyce Slowik and friends. We are so grateful to have had their support. Joyce collected donations from businesses for the silent auction, which resulted in some great prizes, and many of our subcontractors/fellow industry members donated gift cards and other gifts for the silent auction and the raffle. Some of the silent auction prizes included Paul’s Jaeger machine, Pirates tickets, one night hotel stay with restaurant gift cards and an assortment of Paul’s “favorite things”. The Passavant Hospital Foundation handled the monetary transactions and ran the 50/50 at the door, which was a hit. At 11:30 a.m, we served our annual Oktoberfest themed lunch and Vice President Steve Bishop thanked everyone for their support and attendance. Steve was a good friend of Paul and spoke about him as a friend, as a professional, and as a man. “Paul – an infectiously positive person who touched our lives through his
art, his ‘architecture,’ his humor, his humility, and his smile. Always an upbeat person, never a dull moment, and a true friend. We will always miss you.”
Because of everyone’s generosity and hard work, we were able to raise $18,500 for the Passavant Hospital Foundation. Landau Building Company, represented by Jeff Landau, Sharon Landau, and Steve Bishop, presented the check at the Foundation’s Legacy of Caring Gala on October 8th. Paul Slowik was honored this year for his contributions over the years and for his dedication to the Foundation.
Check out more photos from the shoot on our Facebook page